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Hair and Eyebrow ambition
I have been growing my eyebrows for four years! Four whole years! and they still haven't fully grown back! After all the years of having make up artists pluck away at them trying to make me look like a stripper, I think my eyebrows gave up! To any 13 year old reading this, leave your eyebrows alone, I repeat leave the eyebrows alone!
Suzanne Mizzi
Forget Sam fox, Kathy Lloyd and Linda Lusardi, for me Suzanne Mizzi will remain the greatest Page 3 girl of all time. Not only did her beauty transcend the glamour modeling world, she was a women with talent, ambition and will always be an inspiration in my life.
I want that one
This probably makes me a really shallow person but whenever I look at Opening Ceremony clothing and shoes, I'm honestly like a kid in a candy store. I'm adding this dress to my wish list.
My messy decor
I love sticking things to the walls, I love the messiness of it all, the young girl inside me rebelling for never being able to hang posters on the walls of my bedroom because of my mothers fear of spoiling the decor.